ARLINGTON, Va. — Arlington now has a fun and easy way to fight climate change with the GetGreen Arlington app. The GetGreen Arlington app puts fighting climate change just a few clicks away. In addition to getting tips on saving the planet, users also get to play games and earn badges of achievement.
GetGreen Arlington will show people how to take simple steps to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable. For example, the app gives options to request a home energy assessment, create plans to make homes more energy efficient, tips on planting trees or a garden, just to name a few. The app makes planting a garden more sustainable by pointing users to a garden tool lending library. Tips are tailored to you and there’s also information about community events to connect people with fellow app users who are passionate about the environment.
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Arlington County Board Chair Takis Karantonis said the time to act is now.
“Later is too late,” Karantonis said. “We are at a pivotal moment in our fight against climate change. The ‘GetGreen Arlington’ app is a great way to make climate-conscious living a meaningful part of everybody’s daily life. Only climate informed individuals can build a climate resilient community.”
GetGreen Arlington features climate action challenges so user can earn points for completing sustainable activities, like using less energy, biking to work or using public transportation or buying local goods.
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Users can also gain exclusive rewards when they participate in challenges and competitions. After finishing a task, users can get badges or a leaf to mark their achievement. Each leaf earned represents 10 pounds of carbon saved.
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Arlington County and EcoAction Arlington launched GetGreen Arlington with Emerald Technology group handling the design. The app was funded through a Northern Virginia Smart Region Initiative grant from Smart City Works
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