With five events coming up, we need to replace our WAW trailer as soon as possible so we can help these events to become zero-waste!
Wash against Waste is a pop-up unit that allows you to wash dishes so you don’t have to use disposable items. The trailer comes fully equipped with a solar powered washing system, crockery and cutlery. All you need is a source of power, water and some helping hands.
EcoMatters Waste Development Manager, Sarah Jane Murray, has been developing the concept and the trailer for the last two years. She first received a grant from Auckland Council back in 2013 to have the prototype built. Since then the trailer has been out to over 55 events helping them to minimise their waste.
In the next three months the trailer is booked to attend another five events, with the next big one being Splore 2016. We desperately want to be back at Splore again this year to help them achieve their vision of being one of the most sustainable festivals in NZ.
Our Vehicle Insurance will hopefully cover most of the cost to re-build the trailer (yet to hear), however this will be at a depreciated rate, so we will have to look at modifying the design so that it is cheaper, and we might be losing the solar panel.
Our Contents Insurance will hopefully cover most of the contents (yet to hear), but again this will be at a depreciated rate.
We also have to pay $1,000 upfront for our excess.
On top of doing all the paper work we need to have this re-built, re-purchased all before the 14th of February.
We thank you so much for your support in helping us after this massive blow to the community.
EcoMatters mission is to connect people with the environment they live in. To do that our projects, campaigns and work – be they at our Visitor Centre in New Lynn or beyond – are focused on empowering communities to make a meaningful difference.
We offer a wide range of community-based environmental initiatives in Auckland including sustainable living programmes and projects in the areas of waste minimisation, permaculture, energy efficiency, air quality, water conservation, stream restoration, weed management, composting, and edible gardening.
Our Mission:
EcoMatters aim is to be a tohu (focal point) to connect people and the environment and to nurture kaitiakitanga (guardianship) – by working together to restore the mauri of our environment.
Amazing! 14 January 2016
Can you believe it, someone has spotted the trailer down Beach Rd, in Papakura on Monday, and another guy called today to said he spotted it yesterday, but cant recall if it was in Auckland or in Huntley…The good news its still out there and being driven around! Mental – who would do that? We have updated the police of these sightings.
Update 2
We also hear back from our content insurance today and there is a short fall for the content of $1,531.00.
We are still waiting to hear from the Vehicle insurance for the re-build of the actual trailer.
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Thanks Daniel, your donation is much appreciated! Love EcoMatters X
Thanks Keren! Yes, it would be great if the trailer shows up but in the mean time we're working on a new one, we're not giving up that easily! Love EcoMatters X
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