ATHENS — Clean water heroes from across the state, including U.S. House District 2 Congressman Sanford Bishop, were recognized for their extraordinary work to protect Georgia’s water during the Georgia Water Coalition’s Clean 13 Celebration held April 30 at 9 Oaks Farm in Monroe.
One of those recognized was the Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority, as detailed below:
Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority (Fayette County): Georgia’s oldest planned community, Peachtree City is known for its sparkling lakes, rolling golf courses and some 100 miles of recreational trails. But like any other community, beneath these notable amenities, is a sewer system, that if not functioning properly, can ruin the idyllic setting. With that in mind, the Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority recently invested in a cellular-based monitoring system for its 200 miles of sewer lines and 36 pump stations. The investment has helped eliminate sewage spills and saved the authority time and money.
The celebration honored the following: Andy Jones of St. Simons, Ball Corporation in Rome, Rep. Darlene Taylor of Thomasville, Harold Harbert from Atlanta, Horsepen Creek Improvement Team in St. Marys, Kathleen Bowen and the Association County Commissioners of Georgia in Fulton County, Utility Scale Solar Initiative in Newton County, Mark Wilson of Lilburn, Partnership for the Upper Coosa in Rome, Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority, Rural Georgia Protection Alliance in multiple east Georgia communities, Bishop in Albany, and Stevens Hill Inc. in Liberty County.
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