77% of UK residents would consider the environment in future holiday plans – Euronews

COVID-19 and the impact of nationwide lockdowns has had a big influence on people’s attitudes towards the tourism industry and its effect on the environment.
Eco friendly holidays might be on the rise in the UK as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Nearly half of UK residents say that seeing nature recover during COVID-19 lockdown has made them more eco-conscious when it comes to booking holidays.
A survey by iCarhireinsurance.com, analysed data from 2,000 UK residents on their holiday habits and opinions about conscious travel. The results revealed that COVID-19 and the impact of nationwide lockdowns has had a big influence on attitudes towards the tourism industry and its effect on the environment.
This new outlook has led to a quarter of UK residents saying they would holiday domestically, and another 24 per cent say they would travel less to reduce their environmental impact.
The survey found that Britons would be willing to pay €3.7bn collectively to offset carbon emissions as part of their holiday.
“We are seeing a significant shift towards environmental consciousness as the pandemic accelerates a trend that was already gathering pace,” says Ben Lynam, Head of Communications at the Travel Foundation.
“Concern about the future, a slowing of pace and the need to find less crowded places has translated into demand for outdoor experiences and trips that have low impact, or ideally a positive impact on the environment.
“Smart businesses and destinations that intentionally respond to this shift will recover quicker and stronger.”
