Datacenters: Best Practices to Mitigate the Environmental Sustainability Impact of GenAI – IDC

IDC Global
 target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 – Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation – Doc  Document number: # US51948224
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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation shares best practices that can be adopted to navigate the challenges of increasing datacenter capacity and resource consumption while driving business value through environmental, social, and governance (ESG) credentials. In 2024, enterprises will significantly invest in the infrastructure, including a significant buildout phase for generative AI (GenAI) across various sectors. However, this expansion comes with challenges. GenAI workloads are considerably more resource intensive than general-purpose computing. This escalation in energy consumption is occurring while enterprises place a growing emphasis on sustainability within organizations, which now view environmental responsibility as a corporate strategy and a key differentiator in the market. The datacenter market, already struggling to become environmentally sustainable, will be further strained by GenAI.
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