Letter | Santa Cruz faces environmental, vision issues on growth – Santa Cruz Sentinel

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The Town Clock project raises two glaring concerns.
The first is for the environment. Santa Cruz is suddenly careening toward unbridled growth in a plainly planned real estate boom. Should this trend continue it will force a grievous burden on the environment through pollution, loss of wild space and habitat that no amount of doublespeak can mask or erase, and that we have carefully avoided for decades. We live in one of the most biodiverse places on the planet and must continue to protect it through our community decisions.
The second issue is the vision, or lack thereof, of our city plan. Santa Cruz is a picturesque place with a rich history. Cities like Ojai, Monterey and Santa Barbara have found ways to honor their architectural heritage and preserve their charm — we should do the same.
The economic advantages to certain people of these projects are plain, and amount to a sellout of the community and the environment. Let’s wake up — there’s a bull in the china shop.
— David Graham, Santa Cruz
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