Double act: Greens dual-presidency candidates to push eco issues on election agenda – Euronews

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Ocean explores the themes of pollution and marine life, the blue economy, sustainable fishing, aquaculture, climate change, ocean energy and more. We also look at the policies and projects designed to protect our seas.
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Unlike the socialist and the conservative blocks, the European Greens have put forward two names under a joint candidacy for President of the European Commission in the forthcoming European elections.
They are German Ska Keller and Frenchman José Bové.
Franziska “Ska” Keller grew up in the German town of Guben on the Polish border. She is the youngest candidate and also the only woman running for President of the Commission.
The French trade unionist José Bové, from near Bordeaux, is well-known in for his often militant activism, including the trashing of a French branch of MacDonald’s in 1999.
Unlike other main parties the Greens chose their candidates through US-style primaries across Europe. This is new ground in EU elections.
In this edition of Europe’s Choice we examine this blend of youth and experience, two-in-one candidacy, dubbed ‘a great couple’ by one supporter.
