Uzbekistan postpones issuance of eco-stickers for cars to March 1, 2025 – DARYO.UZ – CENTRAL ASIA & AFGHANISTAN NEWS

The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan has adopted amendments aimed at enhancing environmental regulations within various sectors and industries. These changes include an extension to the deadline for implementing the “Ecological Transport” system, which is designed to monitor and control pollutant emissions from all categories of motor vehicles.
Originally scheduled to be operational by June 1, 2024, the “Ecological Transport” system will now be introduced on March 1, 2025. This extension allows additional time for proper implementation and ensures that the system can be thoroughly tested and refined before it is fully rolled out.
The “Ecological Transport” system will involve checking the amount of harmful substances emitted by vehicles. Based on the results of these environmental inspections, vehicles will receive a label with an RFID chip attached to their windshields. These labels will be color-coded: “red,” “yellow,” or “green,” indicating the level of compliance with emission regulations. The “red” label will denote vehicles that exceed permissible emission levels, “yellow” will indicate those that meet the minimum standards, and “green” will signify vehicles that fully comply with the stringent environmental standards.
In March 2023, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed various measures being implemented to enhance the environmental situation in Uzbekistan. During this review, it was highlighted that monitoring and controlling vehicle emissions is a crucial aspect of the country’s environmental strategy. 
The RFID chip labeling system will facilitate real-time monitoring of vehicle emissions and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. This system is expected to provide several benefits, including improved air quality, enhanced compliance, data collection, and increased public awareness. By identifying and regulating vehicles that exceed emission standards, the system will help reduce the overall levels of air pollution, leading to better air quality and a healthier environment.
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