Increasing the efficiency of eco-friendly solar cells … – eeNews Europe

From the Techexplore report:
The device, developed through joint research with Dr. Seung Wan-chul of the Samsung Electronics Mechatronics & Manufacturing Technology Center, converts frictional force into electrical energy using a friction electrification power generator and applies it to an electrodynamic screen to prevent and remove contamination on the surface of solar cells, thus consistently maintaining their solar power generation efficiency …

To test its applicability, the researchers analyzed the relationship between wind speed and output based on changes in voltage output with respect to the device’s rotation speed. The results showed that fast rotation due to high wind speed generated high voltage (up to 2,300 V). Further, the solar cells’ output was restored by at least 90% when surface contamination was removed using the self-generating electrodynamic screen fabricated with the developed device …

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