Conservation Through Comics; How Artist Rohan Chakravarty Draws Attention To Eco-Issues – TRAVEL + LEISURE INDIA

By: Ralan Kithan Published: Jun 30, 2023 07:00 PM IST
By balancing humour with environmental conservation, cartoonist Rohan Chakravarty seamlessly transforms environmental issues into captivating and compelling subjects. In a conversation with Travel + Leisure India & South Asia, the conversationist delves into the inception of his unique comics, and how travelling influences his artistic process.

Rohan Chakravarty

Rohan Chakravarty: The inspiration behind it came from various sources. One of them was my experience while volunteering for an organisation. Then, I would take kids out for nature trails. That’s when my fascination with nature began to grow.
I had been experimenting with cartoons even prior to that, but I hadn’t really made a significant impact. I found a sense of direction and purpose when wildlife and my art intersected. It was a convergence of two passions that shaped my journey.

Rohan Chakravarty

Rohan Chakravarty: When I started back in 2010, there was a noticeable lack of creative communication in these areas. That’s when I felt compelled to bridge this gap by utilising humour yet scientifically accurate communication through cartoons. I believed that cartoons had the potential to fill this void and raise awareness effectively.


Rohan Chakravarty: Well, it’s a bit of a task! You’ve got to be thorough and have the experience to know what to include, what to leave out, and how much humour and scientific accuracy to have. I have scientists in my family–my wife is an ecologist, and my brother is a wildlife biologist. So, I have people who encourage and critique my work from a literary and scientific standpoint. I’ve also worked with scientists throughout my career. All of that has helped me develop the series to its current shape and form.
Rohan Chakravarty: No, it happened much later in my life. I was inspired by my first tiger sighting to get into this. I may have been 19 or 20 at the time. I studied to be a dentist and then gave it up. I’ve had a very meandering journey!

Naturalist Ruddy

Rohan Chakravarty: I’ve done seven books so far. Naturalist Ruddy was my fifth and it came out in 2021. It’s a series of mysteries set in nature. The lead character is a mongoose who thinks he’s a detective. He treats observations in nature as crime scenes and goes about solving them, allowing readers to familiarise themselves with the natural world. It was during the COVID-19 lockdown when I started developing the series. Since I couldn’t travel much, I started observing my immediate vicinity and discovered many new things like insects and bugs that presented as mysteries. I thought, why not have a detective solve these puzzles. That’s how the concept for Naturalist Ruddy came about.

Rohan Chakravarty comic

Rohan Chakravarty:  A lot of my work is inspired by personal observations, especially in my books. But for commissioned projects, I rely on scientific data provided by organisations and people working on specific issues. For example, my comic book A Day Out with Delphi explores the relationship between dolphins and fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea. I travelled to Spain and visited fishing harbours to understand how fishermen perceive dolphins and their cultural links. I developed the story in conjunction with marine biologists and fishing communities from that region.
Rohan Chakravarty: My reach is slowly but steadily growing, allowing me to connect with people not just in India, but around the world through various platforms. Recently, I began a collaboration with DW News from Germany, where they publish my cartoons on social media twice every month. This partnership has gained significant international engagement. It has broadened my focus beyond environmental issues within India, allowing me to address global concerns like COP 26 and COP 27.
Additionally, I had the opportunity to create a comic book for ACCOBAMS, an organisation dedicated to dolphin conservation in the Mediterranean Sea. This exposure has played a crucial role in amplifying the message I aim to deliver through my work. It has also resulted in increased recognition from publishers and collaborators in India, who now take my work more seriously compared to when I first started.

Rohan Chakravarty comic

Rohan Chakravarty:  My artistic process is quite spontaneous; I don’t follow a specific method. Instead, I’m visually driven. Unlike many cartoonists and comic book artists who typically start with writing and then proceed to draw, I begin with the image and let the words follow. It may seem haphazard, but it has been working well for me so far.
Given that I prioritise the inclusion of scientific accuracy in my work, my approach is guided by placing science first. This means that scientific integrity holds significant importance to me. I try not to create content solely for the purpose of going viral or following social media trends. Instead, I focus on the scientific significance of what I’m illustrating.
For instance, let’s take the example of the killer whales ramming boats off the coast of Spain, which has gained viral attention. Many people mistakenly interpret this behaviour as revenge attacks without realizing that it is, in fact, a result of the playful nature of killer whales. Scientists agree that killer whales learn hunting techniques through play. As a science communicator and cartoonist, it is essential for me to present these facts in a humorous manner. I created a comic strip that encourages people to view this behaviour as playful rather than driven by revenge. By doing so, I aim to communicate science responsibly.


Rohan Chakravarty: Travelling enables me to understand the nuances of what I’m drawing and ensures accuracy. I have created illustrations for various national parks, cities, and countries, highlighting their biodiversity distribution and the way people interact with natural resources in those specific areas.
For instance, while you may have knowledge about a specific species, truly understanding how it interacts with its environment and the precise habitat niche it occupies requires firsthand experience. As a hobbyist bird watcher, I actively seek opportunities to travel and observe various wildlife species. This firsthand knowledge greatly enriches my work as an artist.
Rohan Chakravarty: Arunachal Pradesh. I have had the privilege of working closely with forest departments and communities in this region. Specifically, the Bugun tribes residing in and around the Eagle Nest Wildlife Sanctuary in western Arunachal have actively embraced my work to raise both conservation awareness and funds for their area. My visits to Arunachal Pradesh have also involved conducting cartooning workshops for children in these villages. Interacting with the locals and witnessing their dedication to environmental conservation has truly reshaped my understanding of conservation concepts.
Rohan Chakravarty: There are still numerous places within India that I have yet to explore. I’m yet to discover Chhattisgarh, Lakshadweep, and all the Seven Sisters states–apart from Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Additionally, there are places like the Desert National Park in Rajasthan that I am eager to visit.
In terms of international travel, one of my dream destinations is Mongolia. I have a strong desire to visit Mongolia and create meaningful artwork inspired by the country. It’s definitely on my list of places I hope to explore and draw something for in the future.
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Ralan writes about fashion, travel, and lifestyle. With a post-graduate degree in journalism, he has also worked with The Hindu focusing on lifestyle and entertainment. Watching critically acclaimed films and scrolling through trending reels on Instagram are some of his favorite pastimes, and when he is not in the rabbit hole of entertainment, he loves ..Read More

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