The Office of Sustainability and Resilience –

We advance actions in the areas of clean energy generation, sustainable transportation, building infrastructure, and workforce development to help us move toward our collective goal of balancing economic growth with preserving our natural resources.

The Charlotte City Council’s vision states, “Charlotte will become a global leader in environmental sustainability, balancing economic growth with preserving our natural resources.”
Charlotte will lead, as a global city, by continuously improving, protecting, and preserving the environment, its community, and economy, while ensuring equity and resilience- for today’s and future generations.
The Sustainable and Resilient Charlotte by 2050 City Council Resolution guides this work This resolution sets ambitious municipal and community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals for Charlotte. Specifically, it strives to have city fleet and facilities be fueled 100% by zero-carbon sources by 2030. It also set a community-wide goal for Charlotte to become a low-carbon city by 2050 by reducing GHG emissions to less than two tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per person annually. The Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP) is the body of work that directs this impactful effort.
The City of Charlotte recognizes that protecting our natural resources, promoting conservation and improving the environment is fundamentally important to quality of life and essential to maintaining a vibrant economy. Charlotte will become a global leader in environmental sustainability by:
To accomplish our mission, we need everyone’s help. Review the list below to see ways to reduce carbon emissions in everyday life.
The Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP) explains how the City of Charlotte aims to reduce municipal and community greenhouse gas emissions.
A building energy performance benchmarking program to help Charlotte building owners track and reduce energy use.
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