Local winery puts sustainability first – KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

JACKSONVILLE, ORE. — Even though Earth Day has passed, it’s still important we all take care of our planet.
Cowhorn Vineyard and Garden in Jacksonville is on the intersection of biodiversity and regeneration.
Since 2005, the 117-acre vineyard has embraced the surrounding ecosystem and how each element interacts, rather than rely on chemicals and harsh fertilizers.
“What that really does is provide us with the best fruit possible,” said Wine Maker Vince Vidrine. “(The property) is always going to be getting better, the property will get better, the crops that grow here and the gardens we use for our restaurant and tasting room food.”
Vidrine said in the wine industry, there are products that eliminate fungi and diseases to mitigate risk.
By letting nature do its thing, he said Cowhorn can avoid common problems just by paying attention to the land.
“We avoid the big problems, but we actually come up with something that’s more compelling because of all that life in the vineyard,” Vidrine said.
Tim Payne, the head of Culinary Operations, said having a plan for everything that comes out of the garden is what makes Cowhorn a sustainable ecosystem.
“We harvest about 2,000 pounds of asparagus, that’s a lot of asparagus ends,” Payne said. “So those ends that we can’t use, we’ll then compost so it becomes useful for the garden next year.”
As we continue to celebrate planet Earth, here are some recommendations Vidrine and Payne have so that we can all better protect our home.
“I think it’s good to focus on buying local and buying organic,” Vidrine said. “And try to support local farmers.”
“Think about what happens after you consume something,” Payne said. “Reusing plastic bags for groceries for example.”
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