Chapel Hill, Carrboro communities prioritize environmental sustainability – – The Daily Tar Heel

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A small stream runs through Coker Arboretum on June 22, 2023.
On April 22, the Town of Carrboro hosted an Earth Day celebration to spread awareness about the Town’s climate action initiatives. Similarly, the Town of Chapel Hill commissioned a special Earth Day sculpture at the 140 W. Franklin St. Plaza — Rubbish the Raccoon.
Mitigating climate change has long been a priority for Chapel Hill and Carrboro community members. Leaders from both towns have made commitments to environmental sustainability and cleaner energy usage.
Chapel Hill Town Council
Carrboro Town Council
The Community
Both Chapel Hill’s Environmental Stewardship Advisory Board and Carrboro’s Environmental Advisory Board provide opportunities for community members to become involved in their town’s sustainability work. 
In 2023, Carrboro began the Green Neighborhoods Grant Program, which provides up to $2,500 to Carrboro residents to pursue projects for their community that align with the Town’s Climate Action Plan, Janway said. 
Carrboro Council Member Randee Haven-O’Donnell said their neighborhood was involved in one of the grant programs, which focused on composting, and 62 percent of residents participated in the program. 
They said that through the composting efforts, their neighborhood avoided the production of 828 pounds of methane, which is equivalent to 20,691 pounds of carbon dioxide. 
“The most exciting thing is that folks want to continue with this and more people want to join,” Haven-O’Donnell said. 
Richardson said Chapel Hill residents can also participate in local environmental sustainability programs like Creek Week and Leave Your Leaves to assist in the Town’s efforts to make Chapel Hill more sustainable. 
“A big part of our goal, too, is to help educate the community on how they can change behaviors and reduce emissions and help our ecosystem be more resilient,” Janway said. 
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