Taking Action for the Environment – Aliaxis

Supporting water and clean energy with innovative pipes and fittings
As a global company, we have a responsibility to make a positive difference
Since launching our Growth with Purpose strategy in 2021, we’ve moved into a higher superb gear
Addressing the climate and water crises with immediate action
We’ve set ambitious targets to make our own operations and solutions more  sustainable.
By 2025, we’re aiming to cut carbon emissions by 75% per ton produced – primarily by moving to 100% renewable electricity – and to quadruple the amount of  recycled material in our products.
We’re making strong progress towards our goal of reducing carbon emissions by 75% per ton of production by 2025. At the end of 2023, more than a third of our operations were powered by renewable electricity.
We’re also on target to reduce our energy use by 3% each year and have rolled out our new online Climate School across the company. It explains the complexity of climate science in an accessible way and helps colleagues take action to tackle global warming at work and at home.
of our operations were powered by renewables compared with 22% in 2022 – a 64% increase
We aim to quadruple the amount of recycled material in our products by 2025, to reach a minimum of 50% of what is allowed under current standards.
As 75% of our products are used to distribute, treat or store water, it makes sense that we focus on integrating recycled materials here. For example, recyclate makes up 24% of the middle layer of the three-layered, anti-microbial storage tank first developed in Guatemala and built upon by our teams in India.
Moreover, in Australia, our StormFLO® drainage system for use in agriculture and civil infrastructure projects, not only incorporates recycled material but is also fully recyclable, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
for our New Zealand operations to build new recycling facilities for plastic construction and demolition waste
“If climate is a shark, water is the teeth of the shark. Water is the first to come at the front of the challenge we are facing.”
Jacques Attali
Writer and Economist
Zero waste to landfill is a key environmental goal. So, as well as exploring new ways to use recycled plastics in our products, we’re making sure more of our solutions are fully recyclable at the end of their long life.
As a further move towards a circular economy, we’re also considering the environmental impact of solutions throughout the innovation process. We constantly monitor CO2 emissions and use of energy, water and materials in the manufacture and use of our products.
How we’re making a difference
From Annual Report 2023
We worked with the Accor Group on a trial of our Zypho brand’s drain water heat recovery technology in two of its hotels. The Zypho system captures the outgoing hot wastewater from a shower and uses it to heat the incoming cold water, recycling up to 75% of the energy needed to produce hot water in the process. That means lower energy bills, a cut in carbon emissions, and a response to the French government’s directive for the hospitality sector to cut energy use and adopt eco-friendly practices.
From Annual Report 2023
Some 67% of our operations in India are now powered by renewable electricity, compared with just 39% in 2022. This increase has come from our investment in solar panels at our sites plus extensive power purchase contracts at Bangalore, in Karnataka State.
From Annual Report 2022
Our scientists in India are making key products lighter, so less carbon intensive. They’ve made pipes, fittings and ball valves at least 25% lighter with no drop in performance.
From Annual Report 2022
We’re helping New Zealand’s transition to 100% green energy, not only running our own operations on 100% green energy but providing the drainage solution for access roads to Harapaki wind farm, North Island. With 41 turbines, it’s the second largest in the country, generating enough power for 70,000 homes
From Annual Report 2022
Zero waste to landfill is a key environmental goal. In New Zealand, Marley’s €7 million investment with Waste Management New Zealand, aims to divert some 3,500 tons of plastic from landfill averting 3,000 tons emissions.
From Annual Report 2022
An off-site captive solar park at Bikaner, Rajasthan, was completed in December 2022 and began producing power for us in January 2023. The site will produce 7.5M KWhs of electricity a year, helping us meet our 2025 target to transition fully to renewable electricity.
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