Webinar – Climate equality: a planet for the 99% – Stockholm Environment Institute

Editor’s choice
The richest 1 percent of the world’s population produced as much carbon pollution in 2019 as the 5 billion people making up the poorest two-thirds of humanity.
This allows the wealthiest people to burn through the remaining limit of carbon that can be consumed if the planet is to limit warming to 1.5°C this century, leaving little for the development of less-wealthy populations.
SEI’s Sivan Kartha will join this 4 June online panel to discuss the twin challenges of poverty and climate crisis.
Photo: Raushan Gupta / Unsplash
ending at 18:30 BST
Webinar – Climate equality: a planet for the 99%
Join Sivan Kartha, Equitable Transitions Program Director at SEI US, at this free and publicly available discussion on the urgency of addressing global inequality in climate action.
Co-hosted by the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Oxfam, SEI and Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity, this panel will convene global experts in a solutions-oriented conversation.
The topic is inspired by recent joint research by Oxfam and SEI, featured in the November 2023 report, “Climate equality: a planet for the 99%.”
Nafkote Dabi, Climate Change Policy Lead, Oxfam International
Sivan Kartha, Equitable Transitions Program Director, SEI
Madhumitha Ardhanari, climate and land justice advocate
Fadhel Kaboub, Associate Professor of Economics at Denison University and President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity
Date: 4 June 2024
Time: 5–6:30 p.m. BST
Location: Online
Equitable Transitions Program Director
Project / This project explores the link between social and economic inequality and the unsustainable carbon dioxide emissions that fuel human-caused climate change.
2020 / About Climate policy, Energy access, Geopolitics, Public policy, Sustainable lifestyles and Wellbeing
Tool / This tool allows you to explore the inequalities in carbon dioxide emissions across the world, by linking emissions to income levels.
About Climate policy, Finance and Fossil fuels
Other publication / A new report from Oxfam draws upon SEI research which highlights the disproportionate greenhouse gas emissions generated by upper-income populations.
20 November 2023 / About Climate policy, Energy access, Fossil fuels, Mitigation and Sustainable lifestyles
Feature / SEI researchers Emily Ghosh and Anisha Nazareth explain how they calculated the "emissions inequality" that informs a new Oxfam report.
20 November 2023 / About Behaviour and choice, Climate policy, Fossil fuels, Household energy, Public policy, Sustainable lifestyles and Transport
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