Sprague Unveils Low-Impact Plan for Offshore Wind Support at Mack Point Terminal – Environment+Energy Leader

This lower-impact plan harnesses existing infrastructure, sequesters tons of carbon per year, and protects 100 acres of undisturbed natural habitat on and off Sears Island. This image shows the reimagined waterfront in the new plan. (Credit: Sprague Energy)
by Staff Writer | Jun 7, 2024
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Sprague Operating Resources LLC, a leading supplier of energy products and material handling services in the Northeast, has unveiled a detailed plan to support Maine’s offshore wind initiative. The proposed plan leverages the Mack Point terminal in Searsport, offering several advantages over the original designs proposed by the state’s engineering contractor, Moffat & Nichol.
Developed in collaboration with a marine engineering firm during the summer of 2023, the new plan harnesses existing infrastructure to sequester significant amounts of carbon annually. It protects 100 acres of undisturbed natural habitat on and off Sears Island. This strategic use of the existing terminal infrastructure aims to reduce environmental impact while maintaining operational efficiency.
The Mack Point terminal, operational since 1905, presents a reimagined waterfront layout that preserves existing operations while minimizing dredging and wetland impact. James Therriault, Vice President of Materials Handling at Sprague, highlighted the terminal’s long-standing experience in wind component handling, noting that the alternative design supports Maine’s offshore wind energy goals with minimal disruption to the natural and working lands.
Sprague’s proposal outlines several vital components and benefits, including:
Sprague’s plan promises reduced construction time and costs compared to the original proposals. Mack Point’s already industrial nature minimizes the risk of permitting delays. By contrast, developing a wind port on Sears Island would result in significant ecological disruption, including clearing 75 acres of upland forest and filling 25 acres of Penobscot Bay.
Rolf E. Olsen, Vice President of Friends of Sears Island, supports the redevelopment of Mack Point as a more sustainable and less disruptive alternative. He emphasizes Sears Island’s ecological, recreational, and economic value and advocates for its preservation in its natural state.
The Maine Department of Transportation has issued a request for public input on the state’s commercial offshore wind solicitation approach. By proposing an innovative and environmentally considerate alternative, Sprague Operating Resources LLC aims to support Maine’s offshore wind initiative while protecting the region’s natural resources and leveraging existing infrastructure.

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