Opinion: Sen. Romney should care about climate change – Deseret News

Thank you for the piece “Deficits vs. climate: Here’s what Sen. Romney thinks the Budget Committee should prioritize.” Although the regard for the federal budget deficit is appreciated, Sen. Mitt Romney’s concern is misplaced. Climate change is a primary issue and cannot be dismissed as a secondary matter, and diverting the conversation away from climate change is not beneficial to the budget committee or this deficit.
The principal focus on climate change and not covering its adverse effect is crucial to avoid future severe weather conditions, such as droughts, and to avoid increasing the already sizable $1.5 trillion deficit. Without the current interjection of climate change policy, a failure to mitigate its consequences only exacerbates the bearing of the financial burden on federal, state and local governments.
Investing in climate protection is economically sound, and we must implement new policies effectively. Solely shifting focus to less-expensive projects only provides temporary relief — equivalent to placing a Band-Aid on a bullet hole. Fortunately, forward progression is made possible by supporting the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which puts a price on carbon pollution and returns the money saved to households.
Supporting the implementation of climate change policy is essential to the future health of our environment and economy. The Budget Committee’s hearings on climate change are not a distraction but a necessary focus, and Utahns would appreciate for Romney to acknowledge this.
Aubrey Kennedy
