Leland residents gather to discuss plans for a Central Park that is environment friendly – WECT

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – The Leland community packed a room at the Brunswick Beer and Cider on Friday evening to discuss a proposal for a Central Park that was created by other residents.
The project consists of a Park that includes a large amphitheater, restaurants, retail and health stores, and recreational courts. What makes this park different from others is its eco-friendly aspect by includes solar panels on buildings and parking.
A detailed presentation at the meeting showcased how the park study highlights core values it could bring to residents, potential economic gains, and a means of financing.
Organizers say the purpose of the meeting was to hear feedback on what other suggestions people would like to see done with the park. They passed around a questionnaire and opened the floor to questions from attendees.
While some say they liked the idea, they believe there should be more research before presenting it to the town officials.
Other attendees expressed disproval for a project this size coming to the town of Leland, the common concern among them being the infrastructure.
“For all the same reasons we opposed Rev Entertainment, we don’t have the highway and roadway infrastructure to handle 1700 people coming to a concert. We don’t have that. We don’t have the police force that can handle bringing 1700 people into a concert. We just don’t have the resources for that at this point in time,” says Rhonda Floria, a Leland resident.
Some said the plan is outstanding but needs a closer look at the problems it could cause.
“We can’t talk about putting in an amphitheater and having this massive park that’s probably going to cost upwards of 100 million dollars at a time when we have less than 40,000 residents. We don’t have that kind of infrastructure to deal with that kind of development,” Chuck Whitlock said.
John Wozniak, who is creating the plan, says they included this structure because it has good benefits.
“We believe that amphitheater would be super important to have in Leland. It would attract both local and national acts here, it could be used for Friday Night movies, family events, and leased to various organizations for sponsoring shows and fairs,” John Wozniak explains.
Wozniak was inspired to make a large attraction in Leland so residents won’t have to cross the bridge into Wilmington for entertainment. He also says Leland reminds him of his hometown in Maryland which has a family-oriented park, and says his children grew up enjoying that area.
As of now, Wozniak and volunteers on the project are looking for more feedback from other residents in the area. They say they will be hosting more meetings in the future to further develop their Leland Central Park plan.
The Central Park Study plan was done without taxpayer dollars and is not supported or endorsed by the Town of Leland.
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