Environmental details emerge for Guyana gas to energy project – BNamericas English

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) has released environmental reports related to Guyana’s gas to energy project.
The documents are part of the lender’s review process of a request from Guyana’s government for US$646mn in financing for the project’s 300MW power plant (PP) and natural gas liquids (NGL) facility.
The information covers the transmission component, which Guyana Power and Light is carrying out, as well as updates to air quality, and water and sediment.
“The project predicted impacts are well below the ambient air quality requirements specified in the environmental permit,” according to ERM, which carried out the consultancy work.
ERM adds that “the effluent from the NGL/PP is not expected to have an appreciable plume or any discernible impact on the Demerara river.”
The project will be supplied with gas from the Stabroek offshore block via a pipeline which ExxonMobil expects to be completed by year-end.
The NGL/PP facility is due to be ready in 2025.
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