Acorn General Store: Sustainability With Vintage Treasures – Montclair Local

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Acorn General Store, which opened on July 3 at 41 Church Street, greets visitors with vintage lettering hinting at the unique treasures inside. Owners Darya Mishina and Jacob Baccus have introduced vintage and sustainable shopping to Montclair, a community that values both. For Mishina, a New Jersey native, opening the store in Montclair marks a meaningful accomplishment.

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The store stocks a colorful assortment of goods, including vintage clothing and accessories, wholesome foods and eco-friendly cosmetics. There are also toys for kids and pets. Acorn is dedicated to sourcing products free of harsh chemicals and single-use plastics, particularly emphasizing pre-loved items to promote sustainability.
“The store is all about something where busy, sustainable-minded people can come to shop better so that they can live better,” said Baccus, “We’re trying to create something where the shopping experience is not only fun and exciting, but it’s also beneficial to you as an individual person.”

items on shelves at acorn general store

As they settle into their space, they will place shelf cards with more information about the products that they promote. It will further explain why they source what they do and the benefits to the shoppers. They also hope to use their social media platforms to expand the information they share with the community. 
Beyond offering great items, they would also like to promote local artists and creators by sourcing locally. Ideally, this will take the form of the Acorn Collective, using the empty basement space of their storefront to bring in people from the community who align with Mishina and Baccus’s mission and beliefs. From vintage sellers to local farmers, it can include anyone who wants to promote sustainable and ethically sourced goods. 

The Path to Acorn General Store

Owners of Acron General Store Jacob Baccus and Darya Mishina.
Jacob Baccus and Darya Mishina have opened Acorn General Store at 41 Church Street in Montclair.

Mishina and Baccus’s journey started in Oklahoma City in 2020 with a like-minded store called Oak City. They felt that Montclair was just the place to continue this mission. Drawn to the local sustainability movement and the support they’d seen surrounding the exact causes they are both passionate about, Mishina and Baccus have waited and watched for open storefronts they could move into. In 2023, while wandering down Church Street, they came across the building they are in now. After inquiring about it, they were given the chance to open their store. 
“We saw a sign, and we’re like, ‘well, let’s inquire and see if we can get into the space,’” said Baccus, “And we did. So, it has been two and a half years of manifestation and dreaming of a space.”
While searching for a name for the store, “Acorn” came to mind for many reasons. Firstly, it pays homage to Mishina’s Oak City Vintage. They also liked the idea of something growing from something small. They see themselves as a small start to the growing movement of shopping and living better. 
“An acorn, like a small decision which one of us can make,” said Mishina, “can lead to a much broader change in the world.”
Mishina and Baccus are excited to welcome the community and provide a space that aligns with their vision for a sustainable and brighter future.
Follow Acorn General Store on Instagram for updates.

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