BLM, USDA Forest Service Seek Input for Settlement-Directed Environmental Analysis of Potential Coal Mine … – ETV News

Photo Courtesy of BLM. Pictured: Skyline Mine in Green River District
BLM Press Release
PRICE, Utah – Pursuant to a court settlement agreement, the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS) are seeking public input to help inform an environmental analysis of a potential expansion to Skyline Mine. The modification would include additional coal from public lands in Emery and Sanpete counties.
The court settlement—agreed to in March 2023 by the BLM, USFS, the State of Utah, Canyon Fuel Company LLC, Grand Canyon Trust, and WildEarth Guardians—resulted in Canyon Fuel relinquishing coal leases in Utah containing 17 million tons of coal and a commitment by the BLM and USFS to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the potential expansion of Skyline Mine. The settlement also stipulates that the environmental analysis will fully consider the potential social costs due to climate change from the expansion.
The Bureaus will analyze the potential impacts of issuing a lease for the Little Eccles Federal Coal Lease Tract (120 acres) and approving a modification of the Flat Canyon Lease Tract (640 acres). The two tracts include a combined total of approximately 10.8 million tons of recoverable coal.
A Notice of Intent will publish in Monday’s Federal Register to open a 45-day comment period. Comments will be accepted until May 30, 2024.  Comments may be submitted through the “Participate Now” feature at the BLM National NEPA Register or delivered to:
Bureau of Land Management
Attn: Skyline Mine Little Eccles Lease and Flat Canyon Lease Modification EIS
125 South 600 West
Price, UT 84501
The public is invited to participate in two in-person meetings and one virtual meeting during the public comment period. The specific dates and locations of the scoping meeting will be announced in advance through the BLM ePlanning page and the BLM website.
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625 East 100 North
Price, UT 84501
(435) 636-3941
