Climate change and health: a global vision for joint action – World Health Organization (WHO)

Feeding into efforts to shape the global health architecture for addressing climate change, this roundtable will help define a plan to support countries to advance implementation, including of health outcomes and commitments from UN Climate Change Conferences (COPs).
The roundtable also aims to increase momentum and strengthen collaboration and coordination for driving action. Attendees should gain an enhanced understanding of the high-level global vision for climate and health, as well as of relevant initiatives at a global, regional and country level.
Panellists will look ahead to COP29 in Azerbaijan and COP30 in Brazil, and reflect on how to build on the pioneering efforts by the UAE for COP28. Also on the agenda will be the climate and health resolution expected to be adopted at the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly and the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH).
This roundtable has particular significance, as the response to climate change is one of the six key strategic objectives of WHO’s Fourteenth General Programme of work for the period 2025-2028. It will facilitate coordination and amplify calls for adequate funding to overcome the obstacles of fragmented funding mechanisms and siloed approaches, to address complex climate and health challenges more effectively.
The session takes place at the UN Palais des Nations, Room XVIII on Saturday 1 June 2024 between 13:00–14:15 CEST.
The strategic roundtables span the overarching theme of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly: All for health, health for all, and WHO Investment Round, allowing participants to reflect on the Organization’s achievements, current and future challenges facing global health.
Dr Richard Horton, Editor-in-chief of The Lancet
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General
Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States (video)
Dr Teymur Musayev, Minister of Healthcare of Azerbaijan Republic
Dr Atonio Lalabalavu, Minister of Health and Medical Services, Fiji
Mr Adnan Z. Amin, Chief Executive Officer, COP 28
Dr Filomena Gonçalves, Minister of Health, Cape Verde
Professor Celeste Saulo, Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization
*Additional speakers may be announced.
