Climate protestors including Greta Thunberg detained at the Hague – JURIST

Climate protestors who attempted to create a road blockade at the Hague were detained Saturday by Dutch police. Among the protestors detained was prominent climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Protestors took to the streets of the Hague protesting against fossil fuel subsidies on Saturday. Fossil subsidies refer to government action that lowers the cost of fossil fuel energy production or increases the price received by these producers. The protestors specifically opposed the Dutch government’s tax concessions for companies such as Shell, which are linked with the fossil fuel industry. Hundreds of demonstrators marched in protest from The Hague city center to a field next to the A12 highway. Some protestors attempted to create a blockade on the A12, and dozens, including Thunberg, were subsequently detained by police.
The protest, organized by Extinction Rebellion, was part of an international campaign against fossil subsidies in Europe. The campaign titled “United for Climate Justice” brings together 30 movements from 15 countries. On Saturday, demonstrations took place in support of this cause in Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Italy, UK, Poland and the Netherlands. Posting about the protest on X, Extinction Rebellion praised the action of their members, stating that they aimed to “show Europe that the fossil industry and our governments are driving the global climate and ecological crisis with fossil subsidies.”
The “United for Climate Justice” movement is planning further action against fossil subsidies in early May. They plan to transport protestors on buses across the Netherlands to Brussels in order to create another road blockade in a demonstration against this practice.

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