Eco-Markets: Business, Regulation, and Sustainability – Columbia University

News from the Columbia Climate School
Brian Kateman
Interested in learning more about environmental markets and the nexus between business, regulation, and sustainability? How does an organization trade carbon credits? Find out with your colleagues and friends at the Center for Environmental Research and Conservation.
Environmental Markets: The Nexus of Business, Regulation, and Sustainability
Richard Weihe
Managing Director, Karbone
This course integrates business practices and environmental regulations with sustainability issues. It examines environmental markets that address pollution related problems, such as the use of tradable carbon credits. The course reviews the regulatory, political and economic contexts of these markets using real-world examples through professional experience, case studies, and guest speakers. Learn how environmental markets are currently used to regulate climate change, acid rain, air quality, wetlands, and renewable energy mandates, including benefits and limitations.
Tuesdays, Feb. 28, Mar. 6, 20, 27, Apr. 3 (5 sessions, 6:10-8:10PM, skip Mar. 13 – Spring Break)
Richard Weihe has over seventeen years experience in the environmental and energy sectors in a variety of roles including risk and investment management, environmental and emissions credit trading, and engineering consulting project management. He is currently Managing Director at Karbone, an environmental credit brokerage and renewable energy finance/advisory firm.
This first session is free and open to the public. Registration is required to attend the full 10-hour course.
Interested in learning more? Visit our website or
Contact Desmond Beirne for more information: or 212-854-0149.
This course is part of CERC’s Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability. Courses may be taken on an individual basis or you may pursue the full 12-course Certificate.
Recent record-breaking heat waves have affected communities across the world. The Extreme Heat Workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to advance the state of knowledge, identify community needs, and develop a framework for evaluating risks with a focus on climate justice. Register by June 15

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