Electrifying China's Industry Is Critical To Meeting Climate Goals – Forbes

Nik Sawe, a Policy Analyst for Energy Innovation’s Industry Program, authored this piece.
An intuitive understanding of the scale of global greenhouse gas emissions is often difficult to grasp, but China’s industrial sector stands out. Its emissions alone are more than those of the entire United States: a staggering 3.6 gigatons as of 2020, or 61% of China’s total carbon dioxide pollution.
TOPSHOT – This aerial view taken on February 17, 2018 with a drone shows pollution being emitted … [+] from steel factories in Hancheng, Shaanxi province. / AFP PHOTO / FRED DUFOUR (Photo credit should read FRED DUFOUR/AFP via Getty Images)
China is the world’s largest emitter of climate pollution, with more than a quarter of annual GHG emissions, so if it doesn’t cut emissions, the whole world fails on climate change. Cutting emissions from China’s industrial sector seems like a high barrier to clear, but two solutions are within reach – heat pumps and thermal batteries.
Nearly three-quarters of the country’s industrial emissions come from supplying heat to industrial processes like melting metals or molding plastic, and new research by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Energy Innovation provides a roadmap for how to transition much of that industrial heat away from fossil fuels. The key is plugging into clean electricity from renewable energy sources to meet industry’s ravenous demand.
Today, only about 10% of industrial heat globally is provided directly by electricity, so spearheading the transition can help China expand its domestic supply of electrified industrial technology. And by lowering the carbon footprint of the materials it produces, like steel and cement, China can ensure its domestic growth doesn’t worsen local air quality or accelerate dangerous climate change.
The LBL-EI report analyzed the technological and economic feasibility of different technologies to provide industrial process heating, focusing on two options that are emissions-free when backed by renewable electricity: industrial heat pumps and thermal batteries.
Heat pumps can be the most cost-effective method for low temperature heat and are extremely efficient – the only technology that can be more than 100% efficient at turning electricity into heat. The temperatures provided by industrial heat pumps, up to 165° Celsius, are ideal for producing food, paper, textiles, and similar goods.
Meanwhile, thermal batteries can provide heat at up to 1,700°C, enough to cover more than two-thirds of China’s industrial heating needs. Thermal batteries not only convert electricity into heat efficiently but can also store it, losing as little as 1% per day. This means they can smooth over the variability of electricity from renewable sources that rely on sun and wind. Thermal batteries can also be grid-connected, allowing industrial firms to buy and bank grid electricity at times when it’s cheaper – a service that benefits utilities as well.

Do either of these options make economic sense? As it turns out, the efficiency and flexibility of industrial heat pumps and thermal batteries keep them cost-competitive. For temperatures below 100°C, industrial heat pumps were the second-cheapest option, clocking in at $38 per megawatt hour, competitive with combined heat and power technologies and much cheaper than their natural gas and electric boiler counterparts. Coal-fired boilers were the cheapest technology in 2021, but when incorporating the likely 2030 cost of carbon, they fell behind heat pumps. At higher temperatures (100-165 °C), industrial heat pumps cost $58/MWhth. But thermal batteries—capable of temperatures 10x higher—fell in the middle ($46/MWhth), competitive with many alternatives.
Levelized cost of industrial heat production in China by technology, including capital expenditures … [+] (CAPEX), operating expenditures (OPEX), and forecasted 2030 carbon pricing costs.
Heat pumps further distinguish themselves when considering the pollutant emissions. Industrial heat pumps emit considerably less CO2 than most alternatives: 60% lower than an equivalent coal-fired boiler, for instance. Industrial CHP systems produce electricity, reducing the amount an industrial facility must purchase from China’s coal-heavy grid. Giving CHP technologies credit for this “offset,” natural gas-fired CHP systems were the lowest-emissions technology in 2021. However, once China achieves a decarbonized electricity grid, which it needs to reach by 2050 to achieve its carbon neutrality goals, electric technologies drop to zero emissions.
CO2 emissions per unit of heat for different industrial heating technologies in 2021 and in a fully … [+] decarbonized electric grid scenario for 2050.
The story is similar for conventional pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), which contribute to health problems such as lung disease, heart attacks, and premature death. In 2021, electrical technologies had lower pollutant emissions than coal-fired technologies but higher emissions than natural gas technologies—a reflection of the coal power on China’s electric grid. As the grid becomes cleaner, pollutant emissions related to electrical heating technologies will decline, eventually reaching zero.
Conventional pollutant emissions per unit of heat for different industrial heating technologies in … [+] 2021 and in a fully decarbonized electric grid scenario for 2050. Shows nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter ten micrometers or less in diameter, and particulate matter 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter.
Getting industrial heat pumps and thermal batteries where they’re most needed in China won’t be without challenges. First, fossil fuels are considerably cheaper than electricity in China, due in part to China’s practice of making industrial customers pay higher electricity rates than residential buyers (~40% more). This is the opposite of the U.S. and EU, where industrial electricity rates are lower than residential rates, and disincentivizes Chinese industry from relying on electricity. However, industrial heat pumps’ efficiency and thermal batteries’ ability to bank cheap power—in many provinces, electricity during the lowest-use hours costs just 30-40% of the average price—helps maintain their competitiveness.
Smart policies can help make electrical technologies more competitive with coal: the government could subsidize either products made with clean energy, or the use of clean energy directly. Subsidies could also reduce the cost of any required electricity infrastructure upgrades. Carbon pricing would also incentivize industrial firms to electrify their production; at present, China’s nationwide emissions trading system only covers power plants.
The second concern is ensuring electrified technologies are commercialized, widely available, and adopted. Industrial heat pumps have been applied in a range of commercial use cases. Thermal batteries are comparatively newer, but a half-dozen firms have deployed systems commercially. Policies can encourage demand for these technologies and support their scaling and adoption through equipment rebates and retooling grants, low-interest loans and other financing mechanisms, R&D support, and standards on greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency. Governments are major buyers of industrial outputs like steel and cement for public works projects, so they can push cleaner production practices by mandating standards on the materials they buy through green public procurement programs. In the U.S., the Biden administration implemented this at the federal level with the Buy Clean Initiative, and California has its own program.
China’s large, modern industrial capacity means that it has the potential to benefit domestically from reduced CO2 and conventional emissions, achieving benefits across economic, environmental, and public health dimensions. This is a significant opportunity for China to clean its industrial output while meeting its own climate goals.

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