Elk Grove Village Renews Push For Open ‘Fly Quiet’ Environmental Review Process, ‘Alternative H3’ – Journal & Topics Newspapers Online

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Passenger jet coasts over Elmhurst Road in Elk Grove Village en route to landing on O’Hare’s far northern east-west runway Wednesday, May 8, 2019. (Tom Wessell/Journal photo)
Elk Grove Village Mayor Craig Johnson sent a letter to Chicago Dept. of Aviation (CDA) Commissioner Jamie Rhee, renewing calls to implement “Alternative H3” for the O’Hare “Fly Quiet” nighttime rotation plan.
“The village urges CDA to complete the requisite environmental review by analyzing the impacts of Alternative B3 and Alternative H3. A heading-sensitivity analysis should also be completed,” Johnson’s letter dated April 4 said. 
“The village further urges CDA to comply with NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) and provide notice of its plan and accept public comment so that all reasonable alternatives can be assessed during the entire review.
“Finally, the village urges CDA to be transparent in its process so that all stakeholders — communities whose lives will be materially affected by this major federal action — can be informed and involved.”
“If the review is not completed and completed transparently,” Johnson said, “We’ll challenge them any way we can.” 
On Friday, March 1, CDA entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) acknowledging that per the NEPA, an environmental review must be completed before the permanent nighttime Fly Quiet plan is implemented. 
Two options were finalists last year for the Fly Quiet nighttime rotation plan, which designates which runways are to be used during overnight hours: Alternative B3 and Alternative H3. The O’Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC) offered only Alternative B3 to the FAA. 
Elk Grove Village and the Suburban O’Hare Commission, chaired by Johnson, had aviation consultants JDA Aviation Technology Solutions conduct an independent analysis of overnight airport take-off and landing traffic to determine which would be least impactful and which would spread noise from aircraft most evenly over communities surrounding the airport. JDA’s conclusion was Alternative H3 was the less impactful option.
After the B3 was presented, Elk Grove Village filed a lawsuit in federal court in October last year challenging the choice. That case was dismissed without prejudice in late November. 
After the court case dismissal, Midwest regional FAA spokesman Tony Molinaro told the Journal & Topics, “The FAA has not made a final decision on the (Chicago) Department of Aviation’s proposed Alternative B3 or any other permanent modifications to the O’Hare Fly Quiet Program.” 
He continued, “The FAA is continuing to have further discussions with the Department of Aviation now that the feasibility review has been completed, including about any required environmental review. Prior to final approval, the FAA will comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable federal laws.”

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