Environmental focus: Multilock and Yavne school collaborate on recycling – The Jerusalem Post

Multilock® Group has launched a collaborative project with the students of Ramot Weizmann School in Yavne to collect and recycle old cylinders and keys, driven by a commitment to a cleaner environment and sustainability.

In partnership with the third grade at Ramot Weizmann School, Multilock® initiated the placement of containers where students collected old locks and keys for recycling. This initiative aims to promote a cleaner environment and a better future for our planet.

As part of an annual environmental project managed by the third graders, the students received training on environmental awareness, with a particular focus on metal recycling. They actively collected used keys and locks for recycling purposes. To date, dozens of keys and locks have been collected at the school, which Multilock® will process for recycling.

According to a study conducted by Multilock® in Israel, over 10,000 cylinders and more than 30,000 cylinder keys are discarded into the trash each month.

Shmuel Sternschuss, CEO of Multilock® Group, stated, “This initiative is another step that the company is taking towards community engagement and environmental quality.”
