Harrisonburg Public Works Dept. encourages residents to practice summer sustainability – WHSV

HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) – The public works department in Harrisonburg is encouraging locals to make simple swaps in their daily routines to have a sustainable summer.
The city’s stormwater management gives a few tips and sustainable swaps that require minimal effort:
-Carrying a reusable bag while shopping to reduce the use of plastic bags.
– Using a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated.
– Utilizing natural light and windows instead of overhead lights and lamps.
-Avoid mowing dry grass to prevent potential strike hazards, such as rocks that can create a spark.
In addition, Stormwater Compliance specialist Shayna Carter says shopping for produce at local farms and farmer markets can reduce carbon emissions.
“Shopping locally for produce is helpful when you are thinking about limiting air pollution [it] limits the trucks that have to ship produce from all over the county and world to get to you and your home,” said Carter.
In addition, the city is raising awareness of the Plastic Free July campaign to help reduce plastic waste.
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