Improving Earth science communication and accessibility with data sonification –

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Nature Reviews Earth & Environment volume 5pages 1–3 (2024)
590 Accesses
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Sonification uses non-speech audio to convey complex data patterns in both space and time, overcoming visual and language barriers to science communication. Data sonification is primed to aid interpretations of multi-dimensional Earth and environmental data streams, perhaps even revealing unrecognized patterns and feedbacks in unwieldy datasets.
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The authors’ collaboration that resulted in the kimberlite sonification was supported by the University of Southampton’s (Faculty of Environmental and Life Science) Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF). T.M.G. gratefully acknowledges funding from the WoodNext Foundation. The authors acknowledge the developers of the GPlates open-source software for plate tectonic modelling (, supported by AuScope. They also thank S. Mazrouei ( for introducing members of this team, and A. Merdith for helping obtain the mid-ocean ridge data from GPlates at the resolution needed for our animation.
Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M. Russo
SYSTEM Sounds, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M. Russo & A. Santaguida
School of Ocean & Earth Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
T. M. Gernon & T. K. Hincks
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All authors contributed to the sonification project that inspired this Comment. T.M.G. and M.R. wrote the manuscript. All authors provided comments and edits.
Correspondence to T. M. Gernon.
The authors declare no competing interests.
Asteroid impacts over time:
Climate change since the Industrial Revolution:
GPlates software:
Kimberlite sonification:
SYSTEM Sounds:
Volcano Listening Project:
Supplementary Video 1 Sonification of kimberlite eruptions over the past 240 million years. Here, each eruption is represented by a note, with the pitch of the note corresponding to the reconstructed latitude (paleolatitude) of the eruption. Higher latitudes are associated with higher pitches. The longitude is reflected in the stereo position of the sound. The fragmentation rate of the tectonic plates is represented by sustained minor and major sounds, with darker minor sounds indicating plate merging and brighter major sounds indicating plate breakup. Additionally, the volume of crumbling rock sounds varies with the fragmentation rate, intensifying when the rate is high. Created by SYSTEM Sounds.
Reprints and permissions
Russo, M., Gernon, T.M., Santaguida, A. et al. Improving Earth science communication and accessibility with data sonification. Nat Rev Earth Environ 5, 1–3 (2024).
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