Learning Opportunity: Self-Sufficiency and Sustainability in Urban Agriculture – Greenhouse Grower

“Advancing Agricultural Systems in Cities” webinar graphic header | Agritecture
Recently, our sister brand of CEAg World (under the Meister Media Worldwide umbrella) highlighted an upcoming webinar from Agritecture, titled “Advancing Agricultural Systems in Cities,” where the company’s survey results related to urban agriculture production and sustainability issues will be shared, discussed, and explained. Here’s an overview of the webinar and registration information for those interested:
From Nov. 15, 2023, to Jan. 31, 2024, Agritecture conducted a survey exploring how increasing agricultural production affects food self-sufficiency. Close to 100 responses were recorded from experts in the field of urban agriculture. On July 17 and July 18, 2024, the company will share its results and what they mean for the agricultural sector in an engaging webinar.
The panelists and speakers joining Agritecture for this webinar include:
To make sure people from different time zones can attend at a reasonable hour, Agritecture will offer the webinar on two different days at two different times.
Link for Webinar 1 registration
Link for Webinar 2 registration
Make sure to register on Zoom for Webinar 1 or Webinar 2, depending on which time frame works best for your schedule.
CEAg World is a revolutionary new brand from the lineup of Meister Media Worldwide that sets the stage as the hub for the global movement of controlled environment agriculture, helping the industry connect, advance, and thrive through a variety of media platforms and in-person education and collaboration. See all author stories here.
Greenhouse Grower
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