'Not alone, but with others.' Pastor helps faith leaders speak up on climate change » Yale Climate Connections – Yale Climate Connections

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Yale Climate Connections

Neddy Astudillo, an ordained Presbyterian pastor based in Florida, says the scriptures of the Bible celebrate the Earth as God’s creation and call upon people to care for it.
So as a Christian, she feels called to do something about climate change. And she says many other faith leaders feel the same.
Astudillo: “And they are looking for tools to figure out how to work with that issue within their faith communities, how to talk about it in a way that they can engage others in the work.”
Astudillo coordinates the Spanish-language Climate Justice and Faith certificate program at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
During the online program, which is also available in English, pastors and lay leaders learn how climate change makes racial and economic injustices worse.
They discuss the spiritual and moral reasons to take climate action. And they share ideas for including climate change in their liturgies.
Then they take action in their communities. Some have planted trees to help reduce carbon pollution. Others have started climate education campaigns.
Astudillo: “In our faith, when God calls one person, God is calling others to do the work. … So we recognize that just like Jesus called disciples to go two by two, that we are called to work on these issues not alone, but with others.”
Reporting credit: Sarah Kennedy / ChavoBart Digital Media
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The Yale Center for Climate Communication
Yale School of the Environment

