Palo Alto to adopt student-led environmental board – Palo Alto Online

Palo Alto Online
It was just two years ago when they first had the idea. 
The Palo Alto Student Climate Coalition – an association of multiple local schools that promotes environmental action – wanted to take their work to the city level. A couple of proposals later, they succeeded. 
The city of Palo Alto plans to instate the Youth Climate Advisory Board in the fall to assist the city and its Office of Sustainability with local climate action. 
Co-founder of the Palo Alto Student Climate Coalition and Castilleja student Julia Zeitlin says this is an opportunity for youth voices to be heard at the city level. 
“We’re very excited as this is an incredible step forward,” she said. 
The advisory board plans to begin taking applications in the summer and the Office of Sustainability is set to select around 15 students.
While the Palo Alto Student Climate Coalition is still creating the guidelines in which the board will operate, it has already established various main roles. 
The board will work to assist the city’s Office of Sustainability’s community outreach and marketing efforts. 
Specifically, it will aim to educate local youth on the importance of climate stewardship and the power each individual can have on sustainability policies, Zeitlin said. 
It plans to review and submit recommendations regarding the Office of Sustainability’s climate initiatives and have the opportunity to pitch school-related initiatives. 
Two of the board’s members will also be able to sit in on the Office of Sustainability’s core team meetings. 
For the youth serving on the board, it’s not only an opportunity to make direct change, but also to learn how city entities operate. 
Still, Zeitlin says the board doesn’t just plan on working in the office.
“It’s a very hands-on, engaged and dynamic board that will be out in the community, doing outreach, helping support the city in their climate efforts,” she said. 
As a partner to the board, the Palo Alto Student Climate Coalition also plans to train and educate selected students on the history of local climate policy. 
Updates on the board application and more information about the board will be posted on its Instagram
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