SAP Canada employees challenge each other with the Strides for Sustainability Environmental Commute Campaign – SAP News

Strong employee engagement needs to be driven by the entire company – top down and bottom up. At SAP Canada we prioritize employee culture and empower our employee engagement teams to inspire their peers.
With the return of nice weather and more individuals returning to the office, SAP Canada’s Green Teams and Wellness Teams have joined forces to create a campaign aimed at motivating employees to find more sustainable ways to commute and enhance their overall wellness. The goal was not only to raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable transportation, but also to collectively achieve a significant milestone as a team.
The employee-driven Strides for Sustainability challenge encouraged individuals to walk, bike or blade to work, and if that wasn’t feasible, to simply add more steps to their daily routine and track them. The goal was to collectively complete one journey across Canada, the equivalent of 4,830,000 combined steps (steps and steps converted from biking or blading) or approximately 3,682km, within a month. This challenge not only promoted sustainable transportation options and physical activity, but also aligns with SAP’s Pledge to Flex and sustainability commitments, challenging employees to take it to a new level. It is no wonder why SAP Canada has been named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers by Canada’s Top 100 Employers again in 2024.
“We succeed as a company when our teams work in unison towards a common goal. These goals need to be balanced between business objectives and employee engagement,” said Cindy Fagen, Managing Director, SAP Canada Labs. “It is inspiring to watch our employee engagement groups empower their peers and create these wonderful challenges to get the entire country activated, which ultimately impact their health and our environment.”
After four weeks, the results were outstanding, with 110 employees, from five locations actively participating and completing a total of 30,180,067 combined steps, equivalent to 23,003km. As a group, they far surpassed their initial goal, completing 6.25 journeys across Canada. The success of the Strides for Sustainability campaign not only demonstrates the commitment of SAP Canada’s employees to sustainability and wellness, but also sets an inspiring example for other organizations to prioritize sustainable transportation options.
“Our vision for the Strides for Sustainability challenge was to encourage people to find creative, low-carbon ways to commute to the office,” said Anik Roy, Green Team lead, SAP Canada Labs Montreal. “We were thrilled with the response we received from our colleagues across the country and hope the spirit of the challenge continues to grow throughout the year with everyone embracing healthy, environmentally friendly commutes.”
