Solutions to climate change – Billings Gazette

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Re: “Turning the page on a highly polluting fuel,” Billings Gazette, June 26. 
The author writes, “…now is time for a fair and thoughtful transition, not just for Tribal members, but also for our neighbors and Montana community, and other communities like ours,” and discusses the need to develop renewable energy over the expansion of fossil fuels.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby supports a fair and thoughtful transition. It can be accomplished with a robust, economy-wide price on carbon as an effective and essential component to reduce America’s carbon pollution by 50% by 2030.
Legislating a “price on pollution” would not only lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, it could save 4.5 million lives over the next 50 years as climate pollution lessens, particularly in communities of color, such as Indigenous populations.
All households will benefit from the fee being recycled back to them in a monthly carbon cashback check and will have access to affordable and reliable clean energy.
We also support legislation that promotes transition assistance that would provide economic development, infrastructure, environmental remediation, assistance to local and tribal governments, job retraining, and wage replacement, health, retirement, and educational benefits for coal industry and fossil fuel workers who lose their jobs.
This is in addition to carbon cashbacks, state block grants, and environmental justice grants, all of which will benefit coal communities.
We are also grateful to the generations of fossil fuel workers who have contributed to our country. Now, it’s time to ‘turn the page’ and there are real solutions. To learn more, please see
Hope Smith,
Red Lodge

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