Sustainable sourcing – United Group

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Our commitment to sustainability extends throughout every facet of our business, and our supply chain is no exception. We recognize the critical role it plays in reducing environmental impact, promoting ethical practices, and contributing to a more sustainable future. In 2022 we completed our first full assessment of our value chain emissions, confirming that the majority of our emission are from our upstream supply chain. Supply chain emissions remain a challenge for all companies, but we also see an opportunity to increase engagement with our suppliers as we work together to achieve a net-zero world. Explore how we are transforming our supply chain to align with our values and create positive change.

Our supplier engagement strategy emphasizes collaboration and mutual commitment to sustainability. One of our emission reductions goals is to have 50% of our suppliers by spend to have, or commit to having, SBTi validated carbon reduction targets by 2030. To do this, we work closely with our suppliers, both through our membership platforms and direct engagement, fostering open communication, sharing best practices, and collectively driving positive change throughout the supply chain. Environmental performance is a key criterion in our supplier selection process. We prioritize suppliers with robust environmental practices, ensuring that our partners align with our sustainability goals and contribute to our collective efforts in creating a responsible supply chain. Our commitment to sustainability is not just a statement; it is a contractual obligation. We embed environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in our contracts, setting clear expectations for our suppliers and holding them accountable for their environmental impact. This ensures that sustainability is an integral part of our ongoing business relationships.
We are dedicated to sourcing materials and components ethically, prioritizing suppliers who share our commitment to social responsibility, fair labour practices, and environmental stewardship. Through rigorous assessment and collaboration, we aim to create a supply chain that promotes human rights, inclusivity, and sustainable practices.

We conduct supplier audits to ensure adherence to our sustainability standards. As proud members of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), we uphold its principles, promoting fair labour practices, ethical conduct, and environmental responsibility throughout our supply chain. We request all our suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, reinforcing our commitment to ethical and sustainable sourcing.
Environmental conservation is a cornerstone of our supply chain strategy. We actively seek suppliers who embrace eco-friendly practices, minimize waste, and prioritize energy efficiency. By reducing our environmental footprint at every stage of the supply chain, we contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future. As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, and as a platform to engage with suppliers on emissions reduction, we actively participate in the CDP Supply Chain Program. This initiative allows us to assess and disclose the environmental impact of our supply chain, driving continuous improvement and aligning our practices with global sustainability standards.
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