The People's Climate Vote 2024 – United Nations Development Programme

People's Climate Vote 2024
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The Peoples’ Climate Vote is the world’s largest standalone public opinion survey on climate change. It serves as a platform for people to express their concerns and needs on climate change to world leaders.
This initiative, carried out by UNDP and the University of Oxford, was launched in 2021 with a first poll that surveyed people across 50 countries through adverts in popular mobile gaming apps. The 2024 survey is bigger in terms of scope: 77 countries, representing 87 percent of the world’s population, were asked their views on climate change.
The 15 questions in the 2024 edition have never been put to people in any survey before. They asked how people’s day-to-day lives are impacted by climate change, how they feel it is being addressed in their countries and what they would like the world to do about it. The results give the most comprehensive public account yet of how people feel and respond to climate change.
The Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024 results come at a crucial time. Leading scientific bodies warn that climate change is accelerating faster than expected. Meanwhile, global GHG emission levels continue to rise, and international tensions and conflicts are similarly on the increase. With more than half of the world’s population potentially voting in 2024, understanding how citizens are thinking about climate change is more important than ever. The survey’s results can help decision makers navigate this challenging context, and beyond.
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