What Are The Highest Paying Jobs in Environmental Science – New Scientist

best jobs in environmental scienceHighest paying jobs in environmental science
Environmental science is a diverse field, combining principles from geography, geology, physics, biology, chemistry and social sciences. It includes everything from the demographics of world populations to the complex ecosystems of Earth. Careers in the environmental sector are highly rewarding because you play a vital role in tackling global challenges such as sustainability, climate change, biodiversity and pandemics.
Although environmental science is a highly interdisciplinary field with substantial overlap between areas, it can broadly be categorised into four branches: atmospheric science, ecology, geoscience and environmental chemistry.
This article will discuss the top three best paid jobs in environmental science for each key area.
Atmospheric Science
Atmospheric science is the study of Earth’s atmosphere, weather, climate and air quality. With rising concerns about climate change, atmospheric scientists are in a powerful position to tackle global environmental challenges, making them highly employable.
Job role: Meteorologists collect and analyse atmospheric data to identify trends and make weather forecasts. This may be for the purpose of meteorology research or for clients such as broadcasters or weather forecasting software.
Route: You usually require a degree in environmental science, physics or geography. For research or predicting disasters, you will additionally need a postgraduate qualification. With experience, you could lead your own weather forecaster team or become a senior researcher.
Average salary (experienced): £60,000
Job role: Whilst meteorologists study the current weather and make weather forecasts, climate scientists study Earth’s global climate over time and its impact on our future. They gather environmental data such as information on rising sea levels and temperature, with the goal of finding ways to tackle climate change.
Route: To work in academia, you need a postgraduate qualification in addition to a degree in environmental science, physics or chemistry. You could specialise in an area such as polar research and teach at a university, or work as a senior advisor to the government. You could also apply for chartered environmentalist status to enhance your CV.
Average salary (experienced): £55,000
Job role: Environmental consultants study the impact of industrial and commercial projects on the environment, and vice versa. They advise organisations or the government on sustainability, waste management and environmental policies. They may work independently or for a client.
Route: You usually need a degree in a science, for example environmental science, ecology or biology. A postgraduate degree will be beneficial for a career in consultancy; the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) offers postgraduate courses which allow you to conduct research with a university or business. 
With experience, you can become a chartered environmental consultant, run your own business, or do research in areas such as climate change and flooding.
Average salary (experienced): £50,000
Ecology involves the study of the relationship between living organisms, including humans, animals, plants, and the environment. Experts in branches of ecology are at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and natural resource management.
Job role: Environmental law is an area of legal practice. You may work for corporations, the government or non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Environmental lawyers advise their clients on the impact their activities or policies may have on the environment and the possible legal consequences. They may have to represent their clients in court in cases of conflict.
If you work for the government, you could contribute to drafting new environmental policies and legislation. If you work for regulatory bodies such as the Environment Agency, you could be involved in the prosecution of corporations breaching environmental laws.
Route: Although pursuing a law degree is the norm, you could also study any other undergraduate degree, provided that you acquire sufficient legal knowledge to pass the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) after your degree. If you opt for a non-law degree, environmental science may be beneficial if you wish to become an environmental lawyer going forward.
After your SQE, you must complete two years of qualifying work experience as set out by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA); this includes placements during a law degree, working in a law clinic or working as a paralegal. Once you meet the SRA character and suitability requirements, you will qualify as a lawyer. 
To then move into environmental law, you could complete a Master of Laws (LLM) in environmental law. With experience, you could become a partner of an environmental law firm.
Average salary (experienced): £100,000
Job role: Zoologists study animals and their behaviour. You could work in numerous sectors, including government, academia or wildlife conservation. Zoologists typically specialise in a species or area, such as entomology (insects), ornithology (birds), herpetology (amphibians and reptiles), or animal ecology. Your tasks will depend on your sector, but generally you utilise research methods out in the field or in a lab to study animals.
Route: You must complete a degree in zoology, ecology, environmental biology, or a related subject. Aim for degrees that offer placements to gain relevant work experience in wildlife conservation. A master’s or PhD will maximise your employability, especially in academia. With experience, you could take on managerial roles, move into consultancy or work in environmental journalism.
Average salary (experienced): £48,000
Job role: As an ecologist, you may be involved in wildlife conservation and restoration, sustainability and land management. You could also conduct research and perform data analysis to assess the impact of human activities on the environment and vice versa.
Route: Most jobs typically require a science degree in ecology, environmental science, conservation, or related subjects. A postgraduate qualification will enhance your chances of securing a position, especially in research. With experience, you could become a senior ecologist in research, a consultant leading sustainable development projects, or work in scientific journalism.
Average salary (experienced): £42,000
Geoscience is an interdisciplinary area which combines physics, geology and other related fields to understand Earth’s natural history, environmental processes, ecosystems and structure. This discipline also includes analysis of natural disasters to make accurate predictions about future events.
Job role: Palaeontology is the study of fossils to understand the history of life on our planet. You could work in multiple settings, including a lab, university, museum or visiting sites. Your work will include fossil analysis, data collection, field trips, dig site management and publishing your research findings.
Route: As this is a highly academic field, most employers require a degree in palaeontology, geology or earth sciences, followed by at least a master’s in a specialised area. Academic research will further require a PhD. Speaking multiple languages will enhance your job prospects as this job involves a significant amount of travelling.
With experience, you could become a senior palaeontologist, an expert advisor in scientific media and TV, or move into a different sector to offer your expertise, for example mining or the oil and gas industry.
Average salary (experienced): £60,000
Job role: Oceanographers study the physical, biological and chemical properties of seas and oceans, such as waves, fluid dynamics and coastal erosion. It is a highly academic field, requiring you to plan and conduct elaborate research expeditions and experiments, collect and analyse data, and write up your findings. 
Route: You must complete a science degree in environmental science, ocean science, geology, or related areas. Due to its academic nature, oceanography jobs usually require a master’s or PhD. Work experience in, for example, marine science or research as part of your degree will add value to your job application. With experience, you could become a lead oceanographer at a research institution.
Average salary (experienced): £60,000
Job role: Seismologists study shock waves from earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis for research institutions. You could also work in oil and gas exploration, where you may lead explorations. Outdoor activities in adverse weather to calculate various parameters may be part of your job.
Route: Most junior level posts require a PhD; your degrees should be in relevant areas, for example geophysics, geology or earth science. With some experience, you could manage larger explorations for clients. If you wish to become a senior researcher or professor, you will need to have done extensive research in a specific field.
Average salary (experienced): £50,000
Environmental chemistry
Environmental chemistry is the study of chemical interactions in the environment. As such, it is a wide-ranging discipline and is in fact relevant to the other branches of environmental science discussed above. Environmental chemists analyse the chemistry of pollutants and waste materials in the environment, how we contribute to this, and what we can do to minimise harmful effects.
Job role: Agronomists advise farmers on soil health and strategies to improve crop yields. They study properties of soil, fertilisers and other compounds, and develop plans and design farming technologies to improve crops. They work on farms, in a lab or in an office. 
Route: A degree in chemistry, biology or agriculture is highly desirable for junior positions; some employers require a postgraduate degree in specific areas, for example in crop technology. Mastering advanced methods such as laser weeding or precision farming could help you to become a consultant. 
Average salary (experienced): £60,000
Job role: Hydrologists study groundwater systems, snow and rainfall, rivers and ice formation. They perform data analysis to predict floods and droughts, and devise solutions to minimise damage. They also analyse water samples to detect pollutants and advise organisations on topics such as responsible waste management and sustainability.
Route: Although an apprenticeship is an option, a degree in environmental science, chemistry or civil engineering will improve your chances of securing a job. Many employers encourage junior hydrologists to pursue postgraduate qualification and specialisation. After some experience, you could move into consultancy, lead a research department at a company or do academic research.
Average salary (experienced): £45,000
Job role: This career path involves the inspection of businesses and organisations to ensure they meet health, safety and food hygiene standards. Environmental health officers investigate infectious outbreaks, food poisoning and any other incidents involving environmental hazards and collect samples for further chemical analysis. Working environments vary and may be dirty, requiring protective equipment.
Route: You usually need a degree approved by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH). Alternatively, if you have a different environmental science degree, you may complete an accredited postgraduate course. Afterwards, you can complete the Chartered Practitioner programme to become a chartered environmental health officer. With experience, you could move into consultancy. 
Average salary (experienced): £40,000
Environmental science is an incredibly popular and important area in science. Professionals in this field are needed now more than ever to devise solutions for the increasingly complex environmental challenges faced by Earth. Whichever branch you choose to work in, you will be making a significant difference in society, and will contribute towards building a better, more sustainable future for our planet.
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