Zombie topical cyclones show devastation of climate change – Madison.com

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Back in March 2023, the State Journal carried an Associated Press story about Tropical Cyclone Freddy’s devastation along the eastern coasts of Africa.
From Feb. 6 through March 13, the cyclone Freddy traveled 5,000 miles across the Indian Ocean to strike Madagascar before slamming into Mozambique. But Freddy did not stop there. It was a very strong “zombie” cyclone, meaning it came back to life. It wandered back out over the ocean, regained strength, and steered back into Mozambique farther north on March 11 with 90 mph winds causing flooding and taking more lives.
Freddy’s death toll in Mozambique and neighboring countries totaled over 1,400 from flooding rains. No other storm has survived for so many days.
In April 2023, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Oshkosh, said climate change might be good for Wisconsin and surrounding areas.
“You’re concerned if you’re in the really hot region of Africa,” he said. “But in terms of the United States and most of Europe, we’re in pretty good shape.”
He seemed to be suggesting that those who escape adverse consequences can continue dumping combustion exhaust into the atmosphere.
Sen. Johnson could be a better neighbor to humanity by working to reduce major environmental risks resulting from human activity in America.
Bruce Beck, Madison

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