Ithaca schools get $800,000 EPA rebate to introduce eco-friendly buses, amend budget –

by Charlotte Hansen
Ithaca City School District will be awarded a $800,000 rebate from the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2023 Clean School Bus Rebate. The funds will allow for four new electric school buses and other expenses to be used over two years.
The Clean School Bus Rebate will provide upfront payments to eligible school districts to help them pay for environmentally friendly school buses, fund for necessary electric charging, and pay for professional training expenses.
A vote will be held on June 18 to allow members of the ICSD to vote on an amended Proposition 2, which was previously vetoed by voters. The amended Proposition will let voters authorize the purchase of two electric buses, only with rebates to cover costs, two ultra-low propane buses, and three passenger vehicles.
Forty-seven communities will benefit from the EPA rebates, which comes to a total of $95.7 million.
